Jill M. Mateo


Research Interests

CV & Publications


Lab Members

Field Research

Research in the News

Prospective Students

Prospective Field Assistants


Lab Members
308 Institute for Mind and Biology, 773-834-9807
Jason Bruck

 Ph.D. candidate
    Department of Comparative  Human Development


M.A.: Comparative Human Development, 2006

University of Chicago

B.S.: Interdisciplinary Psychology/Biology, 2002

Southampton College of Long Island University, Southampton, NY

Bruck, J.N. & Mateo, J.M. 2010. How habitat features shape ground squirrel navigation. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 124, 176-186.

 Development of spatial navigation in Belding's ground squirrels
Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory

 Deceptive signaling by female Xenopus in food competition with male counterparts
Southampton College , Southampton , NY

•  Sex differences in bite intensity of threespine sticklebacks.
REU Intern at Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior , Indiana University , Bloomington , IN

•  Talamanca Dolphin Foundation
Mannzannillo, Costa Rica

•  Seal Research Project Team Member
C.R.E.S.L.I., Montauk, NY

•  Long-term social recognition and signal usage of dolphin whistles